We guarantee that you will find only original sneakers in the True to Sole stores and webshop!
We source only original sneakers, streetwear items and accessories from our extensive and reliable partner network, which can be documented back to the first sale by an official distributor.

Beware of the fakes and scammers!
Watch who you follow on social media, because there are many people trying to misuse True to Sole's trustworthiness and name to try to sell you fake products or to scam you out of your payment data.
You can only buy from True to Sole in our stores in Budapest or Bucharest, or from our webshop truetosole.hu, not through Instagram or other social media profiles.
And if anyone tries to trick you into giving your credit card or other payment details (for example, saying you won a prize in one of our giveaways or referring to an order) by sending a direct message or email on our behalf, don't fall for it and report it to us. We will never ask for payment details (such as your credit card details) in a message.
We will only contact you from our official profiles and email addresses.
Customer service email: support@truetosole.hu
Instagram: @truetosole and @truetosolero
Tiktok: @truetosole and @truetosolero
Facebook: True to Sole, True to Sole Hungary, True to Sole Romania
YouTube: @truetosole and @truetosolero
Be very careful, because scammers may write to you using profile names or email addresses that are deceptively similar, differing from the original in only one or two characters!

100% original sneakers
Our experienced team examines every sneaker that comes to us one by one before it goes to the store and the webshop, so we are 100% sure that we only have original products in our offer.
Check it? No problem!
We offer you the opportunity to have the shoes inspected by an external expert (at your own expense). Please contact our customer service for details.
True to Sole Authenticity Tag and sticker
When you shop in our store or place an order in our online shop, we attach a True to Sole Authenticity Tag to your sneakers, available in both blue and white. This proves that the shoe has been checked and found authentic.
We put a hologram authenticity sticker on the clothes.
We can only accept a cancellation if the Authenticity Tag or hologram sticker is in place and intact! Therefore, do not remove the Tag or sticker before trying on!

If the Tag's attachment is damaged, torn or removed, or the holographic sticker is torn, we will not accept the product back.
If someone offers you a sneaker for sale, the authenticity of which you want to prove with a True to Sole Authenticity Tag, always check that the Tag is intact and ask for the invoice.